Early/Interceptive Orthodontic Treatment in Chapel Hill

Seeing an orthodontist at an early age can ensure proper interceptive treatments are done at the correct time in your child’s development. If you’re in the Chapel Hill area and think your child may require treatment, contact Clifton & Mauney to request an appointment today.

two little girls smiling, one has braces and is receiving early orthodontic treatment and the other does not.

The Best Early Orthodontic Treatment is at Clifton & Mauney

Interceptive orthodontic treatment—also known as early treatment or phase I orthodontics—addresses early childhood bite issues and helps keep tooth development on track.

Early treatment plans can involve braces and other smile-guiding appliances. Your child’s bones and tissues are more flexible during their early years. This means that early treatment can intercept many problems before they become overwhelming.

Although many children do not need interceptive orthodontic treatmentvisiting an orthodontist by your child’s 7th birthday will allow you to develop a relationship with a professional you trust. 

Anticipating Your Needs

For current or perspective patients on the pediatric side of Clifton & Mauney, this is a no sweat situation. Our ever-present orthodontist Dr. Clifton will peek in on your child’s regularly scheduled dental appointments over the years. 

As soon as your child seems likely to need orthodontics down the line, she’ll let you know. You’ll have a clear picture of what she sees and what that indicates about your child’s orthodontic future. That means you’ll be more prepared at Clifton & Mauney than anywhere else.

The Benefits of Early Treatment:

Early orthodontic treatment may go a bit differently than receiving the same treatment later in life, so let’s learn more about interceptive orthodontics and how it can benefit your child’s smile as they grow. 

There are a number of benefits to interceptive orthodontic treatment, such as:

a little girl holding her cheek to express dental discomfort

Addresses potential jaw and teeth issues that could cause discomfort later in life

a little boy holding a dental standard teeth model

Guides permanent teeth to grow properly

a family sitting on a couch all contributing money to the piggy bank

Saves money when compared to more frequent and involved adult treatments

a little girl and a woman standing in front of a class giving a presentation

Lessens the likelihood of developing speech or jaw issues

As a pediatric patient at Clifton & Mauney, your child will freely benefit from Dr. Clifton’s proximity and ability to take a quick peak during standard dental appointments as they mature and questions arise.

Treatment at Clifton & Mauney gives you the dual opportunity to enjoy premium pediatric dental care and have an expert looking out for early signs of orthodontic issues.

Common Problems that Call for Early Orthodontic Treatment:

Interceptive orthodontics can help your child with:  

a close up of a child's crooked teeth

Crooked or crowded teeth

A diagram of teeth and gums with an overbite.

Bite problems such as overbites or underbites

a model with a red jaw to show how TMJ can affect your health

Small dental arches

a young child holding up the baby tooth that they lost

The premature loss of baby teeth

a child at the pediatric dentist holding up her dental x rays

Jaw irregularities

a blue model of a double - stranded human cell

Genetic history of impacted teeth

Your child’s bones and tissues are more flexible during their early years. This means that we can intercept many problems before they become overwhelming.

Are Early Orthodontics Right for Your Child?

Not all children require interceptive orthodontic treatmentSince each patient’s jaw and teeth develop in unique ways, you should only trust an expert to help you give your child the gift of a natural, comfortable smile. 

The only way to determine if this treatment makes sense for your child is to consult a qualified professional like Dr. Clifton. So go ahead and give us a call at 888.339.8108 or request an appointment online to book your FREE consultation.