For many families, the holidays are spent eating rich foods and desserts and spending time with those we love. Unfortunately, the holidays can be a little difficult for patients with orthodontic appliances because they need to be careful with what they eat. Our pediatric dentist serving Chapel Hill and Durham recommend that all patients with braces avoid foods that are crunchy, sticky, chewy, and hard as these can damage your brackets and wires. However, the good news is, there are still plenty of holiday snacks you can enjoy this year!
Perfect Holiday Treats for Braces
At Clifton & Mauney Orthodontics & Pediatric Dentistry, we hope that all of our patients have a great holiday season with their family. To do so, we’ve got a few recommendations for braces-friendly treats and snacks that will not damage your braces.
Hot Cocoa: It wouldn’t be the holidays without a warm mug of hot cocoa. This treat is perfectly safe for braces, even if it has a few melted marshmallows in it. Just remember to watch your sugar intake this holiday season and brush and floss accordingly with a fluoride rinse.
Pudding: Pudding is another holiday favorite that will not damage your brackets and wires. You can mix and match flavors and add toppings as long as they are braces approved.
Baked Apples: Although regular, raw apples are normally on the foods to avoid list, baked apples are perfectly suitable for patients undergoing orthodontic treatment. For the best-baked apples, our pediatric dentists recommend a sprinkle of cinnamon, brown sugar, and nutmeg. You’ll love this holiday snack!
Soft Sugar Cookies: Sugar cookies, which are very common in most households during the holidays, are soft enough that they won’t interfere with your braces. Feel free to make and decorate sugar cookies and indulge a little bit too!
As a reminder, all foods should be consumed in moderation, especially foods with sugar in them. Please practice effective oral hygiene throughout the holiday season and beyond.
Schedule Your Next Appointment with Our Dentist in Chapel Hill!
If you’d like to schedule your next appointment with our orthodontist or pediatric dentist, contact Clifton & Mauney today. We would be happy to talk through other braces friendly snacks and suggestions for the upcoming holiday season. To schedule your next visit, fill out our easy online form or call our Chapel Hill office directly at 919-933-1007. We look forward to seeing you soon and wish you happy holidays!