Invisalign or Braces for Your Teenager or Child

a teen chooses invisalign over traditional braces

Deciding between Invisalign and traditional braces for your teen or child involves several considerations. Consulting with an orthodontist can help determine the best option based on the specific dental needs and lifestyle of your child. Choose Clifton & Mauney for orthodontics in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Speak with our expert team at 888.339.8108 or online … Read more

How to Clean Invisalign (From an Orthodontist)

an orthodontist instructs on how to clean invisalign

Invisalign has revolutionized teeth straightening. But what good is this if it isn’t perfectly clean, hygienic, and ready to transform your smile? Wearing Invisalign involves regular maintenance to ensure the best results. These tips from an orthodontist will help you keep your Invisalign aligners clean and hygienic. For questions or concerns regarding Invisalign, contact us … Read more